I’m sorry, could you guys guide me how to make the notification admission page ??? I created the service, configed the plugin follow the guide: 準備1. 許可ページの設定 | ドキュメント / 接客タイプ / ウェブプッシュ通知 | KARTEサポートサイト But still no hope and I still dont understand how the page it will appear ??
「[PUSH_APPS_URL]」snippet will replace ‘notification admission page link’.
so, You hove to make another campaign which guide to ‘notification admission page’.
But still, what should I do here so that when a user clicks onto the button, they can be guided to the notification admission page ???
In the manual, it only got a line like this: “通知許可ページはユーザーごとにユニークなURLのページが、動的に生成される必要があるため変数 [PUSH_APPS_URL] を用いて設定します”. I dont get it, I tried to put the link: “https://stg-pcmain.221616.com/connect-tst/sp/Fake_Karte_02.html” as in configed plugin. But still no luck, what should I do now ??